Major updates on AEWV

Key information and statistics by Immigration New Zealand

  • Accreditation applications opened on 23 May 2022, Job Check applications opened on 20 June 2022 and work visa applications opened on 4 July 2022.
  • As at 17 April 2024 Immigration New Zealand (INZ) has approved 117,929 AEWV applications, and there are 34,624 accredited employers.
  • On 7 April 2024, changes were announced to the Accredited Employer Work Visa scheme.
  • These include:
    • Introducing an English language requirement for migrants applying for low skilled ANZSCO level 4 and 5 roles.
    • A minimum skills and work experience threshold for most AEWV roles.
    • For roles that fall into the ANZSCO level 4 and 5, employers will need to engage with Work and Income before approval to bring in migrants will be granted.
    • Reducing the maximum continuous stay for most ANZSCO level 4 and 5 roles from 5 years to 3 years.
    • Disestablishing the franchisee accreditation category and for these businesses to apply to bring in workers from overseas through the standard, high-volume, or triangular employment accreditation.

Please refer to the - Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) | Immigration New Zealand

Accreditation and Job check process

Please note the INZ has announcement some major changes to Accredited Employer Work Visa Category which involves changes major changes at Job Check Stage. Please see what additions have been made at the Job Check Application Stage:

Advertise the role and engage with Work and Income if the skill level of the job offered is 4 or 5.

Before you apply for a Job Check, the employer may need to advertise the job and engage with Work and Income.

Important points to consider while advertising the role:

  • Before Employer can apply for a Job Check you may need to advertise to check there are no New Zealand citizens or residents available for the job.
  • Employer must list the job on a national listing website or channel where suitable New Zealanders are likely to apply and meet other advertising requirements.
  • Employer will not need to advertise or engage with Work and Income about the job if it:
    • pays at least NZD$59.32 an hour (twice the February 2023 median wage), or
    • is on the Green List. Green List roles | Immigration New Zealand

Employer will need to advertise for:

  • 14 days if the job is Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO) level 1, 2, or 3
  • 21 days if the job is ANZSCO level 4 or 5 — check the ANZSCO to find the skill level of the job.

Engage with Work and Income

If your job is ANZSCO level 4 or 5, you must engage with Work and Income before you apply for a Job Check. You can engage with Work and Income at the same time you are advertising the job.

Work and Income will either:

  • list your job for up to 21 days
  • decide they cannot fill the vacancy and you do not need to engage with them further.

Once the engagement is completed, Work and Income will send you a document called an Engagement Check. It will state if they decided to list the job or not. If they did list the job, it will confirm how long they listed it for and if they matched any job seekers to the job.

The employer must upload your Engagement Check during your Job Check application.

Advertise a job and engage with Work and Income | Immigration New Zealand


  • Ongoing Obligations: As an AEWV accredited employer, you must continuously meet your obligations throughout the period of accreditation.
  • Notification of Changes: You are required to inform the authorities within 10 working days if there are any changes to the key people in your organization.
  • Notification of Migrant Worker Departure: If your accreditation was approved or renewed after 7 April 2024, you must notify the authorities if a migrant worker leaves your employment and their visa has more than 1 month before its expiry date.
  • Renewal of Accreditation:
    • Your initial accreditation is valid for 12 months.
    • Upon renewal, the accreditation will last for 24 months for standard businesses, provided the accreditation has not lapsed for 12 or more months.
    • For franchisees and employers placing migrants with controlling third parties, the renewal period is 12 months.
  • Evidence of Commitment Fulfillment: When renewing, you may be asked to provide evidence that you have completed the activities you committed to during the previous accreditation period.
  • The employer must take reasonable steps to ensure an applicant meets qualification and skill requirements as set out.

Changes To AEWV Work Requirements And Duration Of Visa

Changes to AEWV work requirements and duration of visa- Changes to the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) | Immigration New Zealand

Accredited Employer Work Visa holder’s maximum continuous stay period in New Zealand-

  • If the first AEWV application was submitted between 21 June 2023 and 6 April 2024 (inclusive) and they were paid at or above the median wage ($29.66 p/h), then the applicant is eligible for a maximum continuous stay period holding an AEWV for 5 years.
  • However, if the first AEWV application was submitted ON OR BEFORE 20 June 2023 or ON OR AFTER 7 April 2024 and they were paid at or above the median wage ($29.66 p/h), then the applicant is subject to a maximum continuous stay as depending on the conditions outlined below:-

Maximum continuous stay of 5 years (60 months) is applicable where employment is assessed as:

  • ANZSCO Skill Level 1, 2, or 3; or
  • Is on the Green List; or
  • included in the Transport Sector: Work to Residence - Ship’s Master (231213) and Deck Hand (899211); or
  • Included in the Transport Sector: Work to Residence as of 6 April 2024 and they hold an AEWV that was submitted on or before 6 April 2024
  • Being paid at or above 1.5 times the median wage in the Skilled Migrant Category (currently at $47.41 p/h)

Maximum continuous stay is now 3 years (36 months) is applicable where employment is assessed as:

  • ANZSCO level 4 or 5 (where employment is not otherwise assessed as meeting the above)

The maximum visa length for an AEWV is reduced to 2 years, with the ability to apply for one more year with a new Job Check.

Accredited Employer Work Visa holder’s other requirement for visa eligibility –

When applying for an Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV), you must present evidence of your work experience or qualifications. This is a requirement beyond the skills and qualifications your employer deems necessary for the job. Your employer is responsible for ensuring you meet the skill requirements before extending a job offer to you.

If your role is not listed on the Green List or does not fulfil the Green List role requirements, and if it is not compensated at a rate of at least twice the median wage, the following criteria apply:

  • You must possess at least three years of relevant work experience, or
  • You must hold a qualification that is level 4 or higher on the New Zealand Qualifications and Credentials Framework (NZQCF).

    Should your qualification be below the level of a bachelor’s degree, it must be accompanied by an International Qualification Assessment (IQA).

    To satisfy the work experience criterion, you are required to submit proof that verifies your employment history. It is important to note that you cannot use documents authored by yourself as evidence.

English requirements for AEWV- English language requirements for the Accredited Employer Work Visa | Immigration New Zealand

If you are applying for an AEWV for a job that is at ANZSCO level 4 or 5 you must show that you can speak and understand English.

You can meet our English language requirements through:

  • your citizenship, where you studied, and the qualifications you gained
  • English language tests.

Kindly note for ANZSCO levels 1 to 3- There are no English language requirements if you are applying for an AEWV for a job that is at ANZSCO levels 1 to 3.

There are 3 scenarios where your citizenship, work and study gives us confidence that your English language ability is at the level we require.

Scenario 1: If you’re a citizen of Canada, Ireland, the UK, or the USA, and have at least five years of in-person work or study experience in any of these countries, or in Australia or New Zealand.

Scenario 2: If you hold a qualification equivalent to a New Zealand level 7 bachelor’s degree from Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, the UK, or the USA, obtained after a minimum of two years of study while physically present in one of these countries.

Scenario 3: If you possess a qualification comparable to a New Zealand postgraduate level 8 or higher, earned in any of the aforementioned countries with at least one year of in-country study.

Evidence Submission: Citizenship can be verified through your passport details. Additional proof of citizenship or residency is not required unless requested. For qualifications, submit a copy of your degree certificate and academic transcript.

Table 1: English language test results accepted by INZ

Variation Of Condition If You Are Holding AEWV

AEWV holders can apply to vary their employer, job, and location, under the Job Change application process. This allows AEWV migrants greater certainty, including if they lose their job.

The requirements to meet the minimum standard of English language and minimum skills threshold do not apply to Job Change applications.

AEWV holders whose visa is based on a type of employment that allows a five-year visa may not be granted a variation of conditions to work in a role allowing a two-year visa, unless they:

  • were paid at or above the median wage ($29.66) and their application for an Accredited Employer work visa was submitted on or before 6 April 2024; and
  • are in an ANZSCO skill level 4-5 occupation.

Changing the conditions of a work visa or applying for a Job Change | Immigration New Zealand

Application for a Job Change or a variation of conditions for work visa holders | Immigration New Zealand

Green list changes

Changes to Work to Residence and occupations on the Green List | Immigration New Zealand

From 8 April 2024 onwards, 6 roles will be added to the Green List, equating to 9 ANZSCO occupations:

  • Straight to Residence
    • Aviation Engineer (Avionics, Aeronautical, Aerospace Engineer)
    • Naval Architect (aka Marine Designer)
    • ICT Database and Systems Administrator
    • Mechanical Engineering Technician
    • Aircraft Maintenance Engineer
  • Work to Residence
    • Corrections Officer

The roles that were previously announced will NOT be added to the Green List:

  • Paving Plant Operator
  • Metal Fabricator
  • Pressure Welder
  • Welder
  • Fitter (General)
  • Fitter and Turner
  • Fitter-Welder
  • Metal Machinist (First Class)
  • Panel Beater
  • Vehicle Painter
  • Road Roller Operator

Previous plans to add these 7 roles to the Construction and Infrastructure Sector Agreement will NOT progress:

  • Driller’s Assistant
  • Earthmoving Labourer
  • Earthmoving Plant Operator general
  • Linemarker
  • Machine Operators not elsewhere classified
  • Mechanic’s Assistant
  • Road Traffic Controller

Phased Out Of Transport Sector Agreements

Changes to Work to Residence and occupations on the Green List | Immigration New Zealand

Work to Residence changes for bus and truck drivers

Bus and truck drivers who apply for an Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) on or after 7 April 2024 and those who start work as a bus or truck driver on an open work visa on or after 7 April 2024 will not be eligible to apply for a Transport Work to Residence visa.

Those who already hold an AEWV, those who have applied for an AEWV (and are later approved) and those on open work visas who have already started work, will still be eligible for a Transport Work to Residence visa.

Further changes to Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV)

The Government has made further changes to the Accredited Employer Work Visa scheme.

From today, 26 June 2024, people holding an AEWV in roles at Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO) levels 4 and 5 without a pathway to residency are no longer able to support work, visitor or student visa applications for their partners and dependent children.

Partners and dependent children will still be able to apply for a visa in their own right to come to New Zealand, such as an Accredited Employer Work Visa or an international student visa, provided they meet the requirements.

The government has made this change to align with the broader suite of changes to the AEWV scheme earlier this year, and returns the settings to similar ones under the previous Essential Skills Work Visa.

The change will not impact:

  • people that already hold visas as a partner or dependent child, or
  • AEWV holders working in ANZSCO level 4 and 5 roles with a pathway to residency, such as the Green List, sector agreements with residence pathways, and
  • those earning at least 1.5 times the median wage threshold for the Skilled Migrant Category.

People who have an application as a partner or dependent child in progress will also not be affected. Those applications will be considered against the requirements that were in place on the date they applied.

Update to work rights for partners of a student

The Government has expanded eligibility for work visas for partners of some students studying towards a Green List occupation.

Partners of students studying level 7 or 8 qualifications specified on the Green List, can now apply for a work visa with open conditions.

We have updated the Green List with the main Bachelor degrees and Bachelor Honours qualifications that lead to registration for certain occupations. These are occupations that have registration as a requirement instead of New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) qualifications.

This means people with student visas studying for these registration qualifications can now support their partner's application for a Partner of a Student Work Visa.

Check the Green List appendix in the amendment circular for the eligible qualifications.

Amendment Circular 2024-14 PDF 283KB

For partners who are now eligible, their dependent school-aged children can be treated as domestic students. The children can apply for a Dependent Child Student Visa so they will not have to pay tuition fees to go to school. This currently applies to anyone with a Partner of a Student Work Visa.

Bringing family if you have a student visa Partner of a Student Work Visa