Accreditation and Job Check Process- The accreditation process | Immigration New Zealand

Please note that the NZ has announced some major changes to the Accredited Employer Work Visa Category, which involves changes at Job Check Stage. Please see what additions have been made at the Job Check Application Stage:

Advertise the role and engage with Work and Income if the skill level of the job offered is 4 or 5.

Before you apply for a Job Check, the employer may need to advertise the job and engage with Work and Income.

Important points to consider while advertising the role:

  • Before Employer can apply for a Job Check you may need to advertise to check there are no New Zealand citizens or residents available for the job.
  • Employer must list the job on a national listing website or channel where suitable New Zealanders are likely to apply and meet other advertising requirements.
  • Employer will not need to advertise or engage with Work and Income about the job if it:

Employer will need to advertise for:

  • 14 days if the job is Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO) level 1, 2, or 3
  • 21 days if the job is ANZSCO level 4 or 5 — check the ANZSCO to find the skill level of the job.

Engage with Work and Income

If your job is ANZSCO level 4 or 5, you must engage with Work and Income before you apply for a Job Check. You can engage with Work and Income at the same time you are advertising the job.

Work and Income will either:

  • list your job for up to 21 days
  • decide they cannot fill the vacancy and you do not need to engage with them further.

Once the engagement is completed, Work and Income will send you a document called an Engagement Check. It will state if they decided to list the job or not. If they did list the job, it will confirm how long they listed it for and if they matched any job seekers to the job.

The employer must upload your Engagement Check during your Job Check application.

Advertise a job and engage with Work and Income | Immigration New Zealand


  • Ongoing Obligations: As an AEWV accredited employer, you must continuously meet your obligations throughout the period of accreditation.
  • Notification of Changes: You are required to inform the authorities within 10 working days if there are any changes to the key people in your organization.
  • Notification of Migrant Worker Departure: If your accreditation was approved or renewed after 7 April 2024, you must notify the authorities if a migrant worker leaves your employment and their visa has more than 1 month before its expiry date.
  • Renewal of Accreditation:
  • Your initial accreditation is valid for 12 months.
  • Upon renewal, the accreditation will last for 24 months for standard businesses, provided the accreditation has not lapsed for 12 or more months.
  • For franchisees and employers placing migrants with controlling third parties, the renewal period is 12 months.
  • Evidence of Commitment Fulfillment: When renewing, you may be asked to provide evidence that you have completed the activities you committed to during the previous accreditation period.
  • The employer must take reasonable steps to ensure an applicant meets qualification and skill requirements as set out.